I appreciated your earlier revelations concerning the Government’s failure to ‘follow the science’ which effectively denied the opportunity for ‘informed consent’ to many New Zealanders.

However, this Government along with all Western Governments has failed to ‘follow the science’ throughout the virus pandemic, starting with masking – ‘not effective against covid virus’ as initially stated by Dr Bloomfield and confirmed again recently by the Cochrane report https://www.cochrane.org/CD006207/ARI_do-physical-measures-such-hand-washing-or-wearing-masks-stop-or-slow-down-spread-respiratory-viruses - to their subsequently being mandated for use in public.

I could go on about the performative theatre of contact tracing, vaccine passports, two weeks to flatten the curve, herd immunity through vaccination (it was never going to happen against a covid virus), lockdowns (again largely ineffective against virus transmission) the PM’s messaging ‘get vaccinated and you won’t get sick and you won’t be hospitalised’, (another bold lie from the podium of truth) two classes of people imposed by the PM, vaccine mandates, coercion, group think, marginalisation of critical thinkers, the abandonment of our previous pandemic plan in favour of a WHO edict to vaccinatie everyone. Then there was the denial of serious vaccine injury, the obvious lack of vaccine efficacy, the inhumane refusal by the MOH and Dr Bloomfield to accept requests from the vaccine injured to forego mandated second and subsequent doses.

There is just so much of substance that needs to be unpicked in our response to Covid-19 that goes way beyond the minutiae of various Government committees. Earlier this month Igor Chudov discussed the German mainstream publication Die Welt’s exposure of fraudulent behaviour by Pfizer in their initial clinical trials of the vaccine, removing participants, and failing to acknowledge and record vaccine injury and harm where it was obvious.


It is difficult to believe that our response to covid-19 was primarily about the virus. It was politicised to serve the interests of big Pharma, the totalitarian instincts of our elected leaders aided and abetted by the mainstream media, with censorship imposed by Google, Facebook and Twitter (at the time).

The average age of death from Covid-19 is 80+. Typically those who died had one more serious co-morbidities. This age/risk profile was established and widely known very early in the pandemic, yet our Governments pressed on with the obscenly mandated vaccination of children, despite the risk of vaccine injury and death. Where does criminal liability begin in these circumstances?

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All good points Brendan but they are large topics that are obviously multi-faceted. Ultimately these decisions were political so the consequences will be political. But there is definitely a lot to consider and I intend to explore some of these topics this year.

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Yes they were political but they resulted in injury and harm for a product they repeatedly told us was both safe and effective. It was neither of those things, not by any traditional measure of vaccine safety or effectiveness. There will be political accountability, but when people’s lives have been permanently damaged, and others have died, is that the end of the matter? What about complicit medical professionals who on the balance of evidence ought to have advocated for more caution?

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All cause mortality in New Zealand by vaccination status per 100K of population. This is the data we have all been waiting for:


Looks like the 'boosted' death rates per 100K of the population demographic are almost four times the unvaccinated. Nothing to see here of course.

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Trusting in the public health system has become a very naïve position to take. Perhaps it was always this way but it has never been highlighted like it has in the past 2-3 years.

Nearly everything they have told us appears to be based on a narrative as opposed to anything factual, just a few examples being:

- The injection stays at the injection site. It is subsequently found to have very wide distribution throughout the body.

- The injection is cleared within a day or two by the body. A Swedish study later found spike protein was still being transcribed in the lymph at 60 days post vaccination. It may be longer but they stopped testing at that point.

- If you get the vaccine you won't get COVID and you won't pass it on. This claim was particularly bizarre as 8 people in the vaccine arm of the original Pfizer trial got COVID. It also became evident internationally, prior to the NZ roll out, that it did not stop transmission.

- The spike protein turns out to be cytotoxic.

- The complete misrepresentation of absolute vs relative risk reduction.

Anecdotally the safe narrative is also very hard to trust. Four members of my team and my father all needed medical intervention for heart inflammation within a couple of days of their second vaccination. One of them was particularly serious requiring hospitalization and ongoing follow up.

It is very hard to ignore the very real possibility that our Heath Regulators internationally, and by association locally, have been completely captured by the Pharmaceutical industry. When you consider the perverse profit incentives this becomes even harder to ignore.

I note that the German media is this week making allegations that the Pfizer Brazilian trial site may have been fraudulent.

This whole situation is an absolute mess and proof that you can't be too skeptical.

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