Thank you for sharing this. Too many of those demonstrating against Israel that I’ve spoken to refuse to believe the atrocities of Oct 7, 2023. Even though it was Hamas’ own cameras that recorded them. They also deny that “from the river to the sea” means “kill Jews.” The depths of their refusal to accept facts is so appalling. And it’s shameful so many “journalists” appear to be among them.

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That people, such as Green Party MPs, show support for Hamas is unfathomable. We should remember that the residents of Gaza elected a Hamas government. This isn’t a criminal gang operating from within a community - it is Gaza versus Israel. War and of course there have been awful consequences. There’s an easy solution, and it applies to Lebanon too, stop attacking Israel.

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No doubt the video evidence was confronting. That only 20% of those journalists invited attended says something about our media in NZ.

The secular western mind has difficulty engaging with the reality of evil. This was an expression of the same spiritual force that built the gas chambers of Auschwitz, and slaughtered Jews on an industrial scale. Israel is in no doubt that it is involved in an existential struggle, one they must win.

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Thanks for this account. Given the pro-Palestine and therefore by extension pro-Hamas leanings on the part of many New Zealanders this article is a timely reminder of the horror that was inflicted. The Greens and others who sport the black and white keffiyah are clearly anti-Semitic and must be recognised as such.

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A more than timely reminder. Thank you! Two personal things from someone who’s had to endure (only a very small) something of the reality you describe. 1. How have you yourself managed to handle the gruesomely visual nature of some of the parts of the IDF presentation? Not wishing for a public answer but for your deep need for genuine healing. 2. I sense the sexual element of the attacks on the women - and girls - alive, wounded, or dead, is the most barbaric thing to have become public since the Balkan wars of the 1990s. You (perhaps) wisely toned down this element. What staggers me, revolts me, and downright angers me is the denial in so many ways by other women when they don’t make this foulest of crimes front and centre. This applies to not a few New Zealanders, or those who identify as living in Aotearoa. Either way, they should hang their heads in shame.

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